Beaufort County

Beaufort County, website

beaufort county map

Beaufort County in South Carolina uses area code 843. On this page, you will see the physical addresses and contact information of the most relevant government agencies in Beaufort County, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department. 

Sheriff’s Office

P. O. Box 1758
Beaufort, SC 29901
Phone: (843) 524-2777
Fax: (843) 255-9405

Police Department

1901 Boundary Street, 102 Beaufort
South Carolina, 29902
Phone: (843) 322-7900
Fax: (843) 322-7905

County Court

104 Ribaut Road
P. O. Box 2207
Beaufort, South Carolina 29902
Phone: (843) 255-5700
Fax: (843) 255-9516

District Court

102 Ribaut Road
Beaufort, SC 29902
Phone: (843) 255-5850

County Clerk

102 Ribaut Road
Beaufort, South Carolina, 29902
Phone: (843) 255-5050


100 Ribaut Road, Suite 165
Beaufort, SC 29902
Phone: (843) 255-2593
Fax: (843) 255-9489

Tax Assessor-Collector

100 Ribaut Road County
Room 210 Beaufort, SC 29902
P. O. Drawer 1228
Phone: (843) 255-2400
Fax: (843) 255-9404

Beaufort County Jail

100 Ribaut Road
Beaufort, SC 29902
P. O. Drawer 1228
Phone: (843) 255-5200

Emergency Management

2727 Depot Road
Beaufort, SC 29902
P. O. Drawer 1228
Phone: (843) 255-5368
Fax: (843) 255-9419

Fire Department

135 Ribaut Road
Beaufort, South Carolina, 29902
Phone: (843) 525-7055
Fax: (843) 525-7031

Health Department

600 Wilmington Street
Beaufort, South Carolina, 29902
Phone: (843) 525-7641

Human Services Department

102 Industrial Village Road
Beaufort, SC 29906
P. O. Drawer 1228
Phone: (843) 255-2990